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Document Type : Review Article


1 Department of Agronomy, PMAS Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi

2 Wheat Wide Crosses Programme, National Agriculture Research Center (NARC) Islamabad, Pakistan

3 Department of Environmental Economics, Pakistan Institute of Developmental Economics, Pakistan

4 stockholm international water institute (siwi), Sweden

5 Lok sanjh foundation, Islamabad

6 Department of Agronomy, Regional Agricultural Research Institute Bahawalpur, Pakistan



Availability of herbicides inflicts to adopt an integrated use of weed control methods (other than chemical methods) in minor crops. In Pakistan more than 70% farmers have land less than 5 ha, so it is improvident to employ very costly chemical and mechanical weed control methods. At present, the resource conservation technology is widely adopted, so it is a major challenge to develop a sustainable, reliable and integrated weed management system. As in minor crops, sustainable production contributes in agricultural production as well as food security and food supply; therefore, it is important for national economies and human health. Excessive use of herbicides over a long time make leads herbicide resistant weeds. There are some factors including shifting ability of weed population, increase in environmental concerns and increase in cost of management, all these factors made farmers difficult to control resistant weeds within their limited resources. It is proved from previous research that selection of viable seed and the use of different cultural practices maybe conceivable strategy to decrease weed competition. Our focus in this review article is on the utilization of these practices to reduce the competitive ability of weeds, for their proper management in minor crops. Our basic aim of this article is to assist researchers in the design of eco-friendly and economically viable weed management strategies, which will help in reducing the herbicides liability and mechanical cultivation from farmer’s production costs.


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